По 25 порту йде прийом з’єднань. Для відсилання використовується будь-який вільний порт з номером більше 1024. Якщо ж перенести SMTP з 25 на нестандартний порт - пошту із зовнішнього світу отримувати перестанете. Ну і ще купу проблем матимете.
Тобто купу пробле. В мене ось яка біда мій провайдер говорить що від мене пре спам.Прислав ось таке повідомленя
It was detected at 2009-02-19 08:00 GMT (+/- 30 minutes), approximately 5 days, 7 hours ago.
ATTENTION: At the time of detection, this IP was infected with, or NATting for a computer infected with a high volume spam sending trojan - it is participating or facilitating a botnet sending spam or spreading virus/spam trojans.
ATTENTION: if you simply repeatedly remove this IP address from the CBL without correcting the problem, the CBL WILL eventually stop letting you delist it and you will have to contact us directly.
This is identified as the Grum spambot
You MUST patch your system and then fix/remove the trojan. Do this before delisting, or you're most likely to be listed again almost immediately.
If this IP is a NAT firewall/gateway, you MUST configure the NAT to prevent outbound port 25 connections to the Internet except from your real mail servers. Please see our recommendations on NAT firewalls
If you are running a Barracuda anti-spam appliance, turn off the "bounce spam" feature before delisting. Barracuda appliances with the "bounce spam or virus" feature turned on are showering innocent third parties with bounces of email that they didn't send. This is called "backscatter", and can get you listed in quite a number of DNSBLs (including SpamCop). The CBL doesn't deliberately list for backscatter, but in the case of Barracuda's "bounced spam or viruses", sometimes the CBL is unable to distinguish between a BOT and a Barracuda sending it. This seems most common with Warezov detections.
The Microsoft MSRT (Malicious Software Removal Tool) stands a good chance of being able to find/remove the malicious software. If you can find which machine
the malware is on.
И говорить щоб я змінив порт SMTP на 26 і катигорично відмовляеться включати 25.