on_buttonPress(self, button) Called when a button click is received. Buttons 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 are left-click, right-click, middle-click, wheelscroll up and wheelscroll down, respectively.If you override this, you should accept a single argument, 'button_num', and return 1 if you've handled it locally, or 0 if you want the WM to handle it instead.NOT YET WORKING
on_enter(self, win) Called when the mouse pointer enters a windowIf overriding, just accept a single argument, hWinNOT YET WORKING
News31.3.2006: Suggestions for feature enhancements wanted! Note that packaging (debianizing especially) is being worked on. Please join pywm-talk@users.sf.net and shoot.26.3.2006: New release with better docs and smarter window placement (whoa, something new 19.3.2006: A new release with more code cleaning13.3.2006: Some maintaining already done =), mainly cleaning and some minor bugs and a new release, see below...27.2.2006: A new maintainer: Elmo Mäntynen (that's me) is going to try to do some maintaining on pywm, mainly helping interested people and bug hunting, but is hoping to do some developing also. A new release has been made already, see below...8/3/2005: I'm currently concentrating on figuring out how to write the event catcher portion of PyWM, as I think that it is the most immediately useful, and doesn't require much from the other portions to be useful.
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