Встановіть Advanced Desktop Effects Settings(якщо у вас його немає),та пограйтесь з параметрами......
- Install Compiz Advanced Desktop Setting;- Open it and go to "General Options", then "Display Settings";- Uncheck "Detect Outputs";- In "Ouputs", edit the resolution (mine was set at 800x600x0x0) to your external display's resolution (mine is now 1050x1680).
Section "Device" Identifier "NVIDIA Corporation NV43 [GeForce4 MX440]" Driver "nvidia"EndSectionSection "Monitor" Identifier "Configured Monitor"EndSectionSection "Screen" Identifier "Default Screen" Monitor "Configured Monitor"EndSection
Section "Extensions" Option "Composite" "enable"EndSection
Option "XAANoOffscreenPixmaps" "true"