Які вимоги?
Я, наприклад, вибрав віртуальний сервер в Rackspacecloud за 10$ в місяць + CentOS5 + drupal6 з репозиторію (інших CMS в репозиторіях для RHEL/CentOS нема :-( ).
Можливо, DalekiyObriy («ключі» у нього) доповнить мене, бо я майже зовсім на адмініструванні сайтів не розуміюся.
Hello, are you still involved with the Ukrainian KDE website at kde.org.ua? It lookslike it is severely outdated, unfortunately. I'll be going to Kiew and Sewastopol next week to give some talks and couldask some people there to get more involved with FLOSS by coming up with a newversion for this website. Last year when I went around the Crimean peninsula,everybody seemed to use Windows, and of course we should make it as easy aspossible for the people to switch to something better. This requires up-to-date localised information. When looking at kde.ru, some of the content is made from pointing to techbaseand userbase, which also hosts Ukrainian versions of the pages which could belinked more prominently. Same for translation activities by Yurchor. And ofcourse, political issues aside, some content could be shared with kde.ru, likeguidelines for keyboard layouts and other cyrillic-specific information forusers.