Після години часу витраченого на позбування від шпигунського ПЗ на комп'ютері власної доньки. :-)
Pressed about security by Mr. Mossberg, Mr. Otellini had a startling confession: He spends an hour a weekend removing spyware from his daughter's computer. And when further pressed about whether a mainstream computer user in search of immediate safety from security woes ought to buy Apple Computer Inc.'s Macintosh instead of a Wintel PC, he said, "If you want to fix it tomorrow, maybe you should buy something else."
http://apple.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=05/05/25/2218232&from=rssТакож Paul Otellini, новий CEO (Chief Executive Officer - Головний Виконавчий Директор) Інтел, рекомендує перевинайти ПК:
The desktop machine needs to be reinvented